Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Indian Polity-4

Indian Polity-3

1. Joint session of the house is conducted:

a. After every general election
b. In the beginning of first session
c. When one house passes a bill while the other house rejects or does not give assent for six months.

2. A joint Session is presided over by the speaker of the Lok Sabha.

3. The first hour of every sitting in both houses is devoted to asking and answering of questions. This is called Question Hour.

4. The immediately following Question Hours is called Zero Hour. It starts at 12 O’clock and press gave the name ‘zero hour’.

5. There are three categories of questions
a. Starred questions can be answered orally on the floor of the house.
b. An unstarred question, which does not carry an asterisk mark, is not given orally but in written form.
c. A short notice question can be asked with notice shorter than the ten days prescribed for an ordinary question.

6. Half an hour discussion can be held in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

7. There are three types of motions
a. Call Attention Motion: A member may call the attention of a minister on an urgent matter through this motion.
b. Adjournment Motion: If speaker agrees, a matter of urgent public importance can be brought before the house, by interrupting the regular business.
c. No-confidence Motion: It expresses a lack of confidence of the Lok Sabha in the council of ministers.
d. Cut Motion is a device to initiate discussions and demands for grants.

8. Only five states have legislative council namely: Bihar, UP, Karnataka, Maharastra and J &K.

9. 5/6 members of Vidhan Parishad are elected directly while 1/6 of them are nominated by the governer.

10. The term of the Vidhan Sabha is fixed for 5 years, but for J & K it is 6 years.
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satvista said...

good one!

Amisha Shekhar said...

Useful study material!

Unknown said...

sir please again upload INDIAN POLITY notes because indian polity notes are not visible to the bottom of the page ,some portion missed during scanning time.
sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
again upload notes .