-In lower vertibrates, the teeth are replaced continuously. This condition is called Polyphyodonty.
- Diphyodont is a condition in which there are only 2 definite sets of teeth.
Teeth Types
Incisiors are used for cutting and biting. Canines are used for stabbing. Premolars are used for cutting and Molars are used for grinding.
Dental Formula: Dental formula for Milk set for man is 2120/2120= total 20 teeth. For an adult man the dental formula is 2123/2123= Total 32 teeth.
Dental Trivia
1. First Milk Teeth to appear are Incisors while the first permanent teeth to appear is 1st Molar.
2. First Molar is the largest of all teeth while the third molar (last) which is also called the wisdom toot is the smallest.
3. Tusks of Elephats are modified incisor teeth.
4. African Elephants, both males and females have tusks while in India only males have them.
5. The prolonged teeth of Wild Boars are modified Canine Teeth.
Human Bones
The bone of brain box is called Cranium, Cheek bone is called Zygomatic bone, Upper jaw bone is called Maxilla, that of lower jaw is called Mandible. Collar bone is called Clavicle, Shoulder bone is called Scapulla, Hip Bones are named as Ilium, Ischium and Pubic. Knee bone is called Patella, chest bones are called Pectoral Glands, waist bones are called pelvic girdles. Upper arm bone is called Humerus, fore-arm bone are called Radius and Ulna. Wrist bones are called Carpals and Palm Meta Carpals. Finger bones are called Phalanges, thigh bone is called Femur, shank bones are called Tibia and Febula. Ankles are called Tarsals, sole bones are called meta tarsals, Foot-fingers are called phallanges and Sessamoid.
Bones Trivia
1. At the time of birth, the total of bones are 350 while in adults it is 206.
2. Each bone meets with other except Hyoid bone ( U-shaped) at the neck. It is helpful in crime identification.
3. Femur is the longest bone.
4. Vertebre are 26 bones in number
5. Stapes in tthe inner ear is the smallest bone.
Bone joints are of three types , Non-Movable as that found in Skull, Slightly movable as that found in Vertebra and Movable as found in hip and shoulder joints.